and he decides..

his tales.about her

Friday, January 1, 2010


internet is a scary place.i want to download this one files but i not sure the validity of the files.Well, he could put some file different than the one on the filename. Paranoid as usual i google his username and to my surprise i actually tracking all his internet activities and it kinda scary knowing that your information are all across the internet.Why i said this? he kinda active in forum and myspace and even though i have no idea who is he but i kinda know what kind of person he is.As for me,i think im quite safe since matt is a common name and hafni too surprisingly and _matt is not unique at all.There's a lot of _matt all over internet.Sigh i thought im the only person in the world using that name

new year
hehe this thought of mine is somewhat similar to some islamic preacher or ustaz ustaz but people do celebrate too much right?Its new year and concert everywhere seriously i think its stupid.Why would people make this somewhat a special day or something?But one thing i do love about all this is this year recap and everything...time sure flies..went out few days ago and discover they built one basketball court around 100m from my house.Sad right?after one month holiday i found out this.Towards this year end i spend my time reading article about game of the decade this of the decade that of the decade.Quite fun actually reading those thing.Come to think of it its my first time celebrate a new decade haha wtf..

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