not very happy these past few days....but as my friend say no matter how hard also must smileXD~~
this what happen......
ok la...why i not happy these few days.....
1st-download speed on bitcomet went from 70kbs to less than 10kbs
2nd-it continued for 4-5 days
3rd-go search forum not only me other user oso face the same prob...and i was being dumb for thinking it was my pc problem~~angry loo
4th-install kaspersky n slowed my pc like hell..not soo scan too many thing when i 1st instal it
5th-press anything also kaspersky put notification and pc slow down..dll change or something...not so happy....
6th-TMnut bodoh...not very happy cuz im using it...but how many choice do i have??? sialcom??? sial mean sumthing like jinx
7th-cant connect internet,sign in msn,sign in gg,connect to on9 game-feel like burn any tmpoint...
8th-only to found out streamyx block any internet connection whenever i open open bc means no internet...
9th-and i found out about it after i make backup all the file to reformat my pc cuz i think got some virus or anything..i backup 20 g of file ...mean...i waste 2 hour of my life for nothing....gimme back my 2 hour tmnut
10th-trial result not so encouraging....if happy mean i stupid or what??
11th-math teacher scold us like mad,,,,she is scary de...haha she always say like this---if you do this people will think you come from which jungle-----not angry at her laa but can we be happy if we screwed up???kinda dissapoint at myself la...jun lum can get 90 in math n i barely get half of his not happy.....
12th..i skip school reformat pc....but i found solution tho the prob...happy or not happy??dunnoe laa
13th-so excited to play silent hill only to found out i dont have enough disk space to play....5g...every drive only got like 3g free space..
i dunnoe how many of you will read the tmnut policy but my comment on that is.........F**k u y the heck we go for unlimited>????to get unlimited access laaa stupid......its not like you are giving same speed like in us or taiwan or australia or anywhere~~still wan throttle our download ar...dumb f**k***
erm not everything so so bad class chemi n physic teacher kinda good to me~~so not sad la..very encouraging....kinda motivate u to get AAA++++++++++++..i try to get A la....teacher happy,i happy,parent happy,good fren happy,not so good fren jealous hahahaha
2007 /04
TMNUT throttling BT protocol.
2007 /12
TMNUT throttling Emule protocol.
2008 /04
TMNUT throttling HTTP
2008 /09
TMNUT block!! P2SP (xunlei,bitcomet) http connnection.
block !! DHT network and bt tracker (but udp tracker no problem)
what else can do?
TM is committed to ensuring our customers receive the best broadband service at the most competitive price. To achieve this goal, we provide a contended broadband service. This means our Internet bandwidth (capacity) is catered to be shared by all our customers at any one point in time, to ensure we provide a satisfactory and acceptable performance on an equal basis to all our customers.
However, a small number of customers use more than their "fair share" of the Internet bandwidth provided by us. On average, about 10% of our customers are using a disproportionate amount of Internet bandwidth. These customers degrade the performance of our broadband service by taking bandwidth away from other customers, who use the service fairly.
For example, some customers use P2P or file sharing software, which constantly sends and receives videos and other types of very large files, throughout the day. These activities (download and upload continuously) use a lot of bandwidth and can significantly reduce the connection speed, which other customers are getting to access the Internet during peak hours. We don’t believe this is fair to the vast majority of our customers.
We wish to bring to your attention our traffic prioritization policy with regards to P2P and Fair Usage Policy. We would like to reiterate that the P2P throughput is subject to peers (seed) availability and their throughput as well. Kindly note that TM does not have any control over peers’ availability or throughput.
The Fair Usage Policy automatically identifies the extremely heavy users and manages their bandwidth in order to protect the service of all our other customers. This traffic prioritization policy will protect the quality of service for the majority of our customers when they use the service, while at the same time, still allowing the extremely heavy users to continue to send and receive files with certain restrictions. With this policy in place, we will prioritize Internet......
few line from forum
Sep 18, 2008, 02:04 AM [Reply]
i had this problems for 1 week + already. any advise?
if i want to reinstall bitcomet, what should i delete?
2008-09-18 07:46:11
peace4ever (peace)
Your problem is same with me from yesterday ...
I am using stremamyx too ...
I think TMnet is again interupt our speed limit ...
However below is what TMnet say in the FAQ...
"TM does not have any control over peers availability or throughput."
TMnet is very unstable ...
2008-09-18 10:18:31
yeah, I agree with peace4ever. I strongly suspect it has got something to do with Streamyx. I had been downloading like 150kb/s for the past week and all in a sudden my total downloading speed is just like 10kb/s, but my upload speed is about 30kb/s.
I think Streamyx has interrupted our downloads since yesterday.
peace4ever (peace)
Sep 18, 2008, 07:47 AM [Reply]
Besides , in FAQ also say :
Streamyx maximum download and upload speed is not guarantee for P2P or any international traffic connection. TM’s policy had restricted and enforced the P2P regulations to avoid heavy congestion for Malaysia Internet cloud. Currently P2P is consuming greater bandwidth than other normal Internet applications (e.g. web browsing) for Malaysia’s local internet cloud.
Sep 18, 2008, 10:58 AM [Reply]
Everything was fine until last week.
Then now, direct download is fine, torrent sometime can reach max speed too, but most of the time is hardly over 10kB/s.
As my first post stated, i got many FAKE PEER which act like they are 0% peer, then dont download nor upload, stay at 0% status _c_C,
As my previous post, if I want to reinstall bitcomet, what files that I need to delete too rather then programs files to make a clean delete before installing back bitcomet?
Sep 18, 2008, 11:03 AM [Reply]
since yesterday only? i been experinced this for 1 week + already. i suspect it got something to do with Streamyx.
2008-09-18 19:08:37
peace4ever (peace)
If it is really Streamyx problem ...
We got nothing to do ...
Just wait and see ...
May be you can ask the Streamyx ...
Sep 19, 2008, 12:45 AM [Reply]
Me also have the same problem and even worst...only 0-3kb/s for around 1 week.
but for http download is ok, i use flashget can get 150-180kb/s..
so i strongly suspect my streamyx/Tm are the main problem!
if really is tmnet block the p2p download speed, but what can we do?
royhard (beautifoolgirl)
Sep 19, 2008, 01:44 AM [Reply]
Throttled.. huhuhuhu. Lucky me celcom bb not throttled. oh wait. NOT YET THROTTLED.
Just wait and see.
How bout peer guardian. Anyone here using it?
Betul, betul, betul.
Sep 19, 2008, 04:47 AM [Reply]
i got use PG2. i got many 0% fake peer, and speed is 15kB/s on eztv torrent, which usually max out of connection speed in a few minutes.
So far, non of the forum admin pay attention to this topic, and i had to ideas how to solve it as it might really is been throttled by TMnet.
and i just discover a new thing, is that, many tracker i use is having zero length respone or the connection refuse to accept it. not only i had to depend on DHT to download, and getting many 0% fake peer.
If lucky, might get a peer that have high upload to suddenly boost a few MB then slow back.
royhard (beautifoolgirl)
Sep 19, 2008, 05:17 AM [Reply]
Check on bitcomet v2 thread.
various users also claims thier streamyx connection also throttled. IMO it's just temporary. If not, ask TM lah.
Betul, betul, betul.
Sep 19, 2008, 02:41 PM [Reply]
hm.. it really look like TMnet had done "SOMETHING" to throttled P2P.
Now everyday, peak hour the P2P bandwidth is terrible where midnight is still acceptable only.
Did any P2P software or Bitcomet had any other method of encryption which are better and stronger beside the current one within Bitcomet?
2008-09-19 22:26:28
peace4ever (peace)
use thunder or xunlei in chinese ...
it is a chinese software and can download faster than bitcomet now ...
but i dont think xunlei is a good bt software because it upload very little only ...
when bitcomet is recover , i surely will use bitcomet again ...
Sep 19, 2008, 11:39 PM [Reply]
ya, by the meantime i will try other software and see which one can download faster until bitcomet had a solution for it.
Sep 20, 2008, 02:46 AM [Reply]
haha..i oso encounter same problem brother..i dload 300mb file nearly a
2008-09-20 04:25:50
peace4ever (peace)
you are better than me ...
every month i nearly download 40 GB of things using bitcomet ...
now all gone ...
Sep 20, 2008, 10:27 AM [Reply]
We cannot just wait & see. We are consumer & pay the money. So, we had the right to decide; not TM. Since the TM had interrupt on our internet usage, we can together boycott TM. For those didn't had contract with TM, just terminate your account with them. There were so many ISP available nowadays, we can get another ISP other than TM. Once their business drop, they will improve their service...hahaha
2008-09-20 13:25:31
peace4ever (peace)
It is easy say than done ... Because small town like my hometown here only rely on TM which is the only one ISP at here ... Surely i will complain to TM and i already send emails to TM and SKMM ... Still like the old TM style - both also havent reply me ...
Sep 20, 2008, 11:42 AM [Reply]
TM is the mastermind behind this as it monopoly the whole internet at Malaysia.
Since TM is our one and only telephone service provider, other ISP is still using TM as backbone
As other is more expensive and some ISP even need to see got wireless coverage on our area or not.
All we can hope is something that can mask our P2P activity, else hopeless.
And today, i noticed my direct download can only reach half of the bandwitdh i apply, WTH. it is becoming more and more serious.
hafni_matt (matt)
Sep 21, 2008, 02:24 AM [Reply]
zzzzzzzzzz........i want to watch movie.....can they limit this thing??????
Sep 21, 2008, 02:41 PM [Reply]
huh i thought im the only victim or something wrong w BT 1.04, but seems like tons of TMNET users having this problem.. if they block our ISP for P2P, the best boycott is all downgrade their package to 512kbps !!! make their revenue drop like nobody business!!!
Sep 21, 2008, 10:30 PM [Reply]
I also facing this... I did try xunlei before but the speed is just same and don't have any changes... I am wondering is this case will be changed?
Sep 22, 2008, 08:17 AM [Reply]
haha 0kb 1 porn movie need 4days.....i m almost gila
Sep 22, 2008, 09:38 AM [Reply]
I also facing the same problem started from last Tuesday. Seems like almost all the steamyx users facing this problem. God, pls help me.