Thursday, January 31, 2008
well how to make guy comfortable wit women?.....treat em like a guy!!!omg hahaha...more like pretend they r guys hahaha......i did 1 stupid thing today....well i,like punchin ppl...another bad habit....usually wen i come from behind i usually punch my fren shoulder not hard...soft.........1 stupid thing today......i go pucnh jia xin....ouch...i think i punch soft..but hu noe...walkin down d stairs...maybe.....hard.............a bit???...she a girl hahaha....i say sorry...but still feel bad..sigh....JIA XIN!!!! if u read these...........THOUSAND APOLOGIES!!!!!!!
well i juz math damn hard.......all i did b4 basic question.......n wen teacher give question today.......she tell every question on trigo b4 is kinda form 5 lvl......n it make me think......chemi i couldnt cope up since last year........physic i start to struggle now......n math....all i did is spm lvl life now quite went perfectly i expect it to be......but all seem......flies away........since last year i targeted to get around all b....but now.......chances to get all c seem to be vanish.......n i started to hear voices from beautiful mind....what if everything goes wrong.....what if you didnt make it....what if.........YOU FAIL???
whats in my mind........
i nid i too relaxed??or am i pressuring myself??maybe juz emo........i nid..........somethin i couldnt explain...........yea.....somethin
recently in life.....
-white guys......omg hahaha
-biceps vinod lose to aaron
-martin jalleh return n canceled
-her talkin to me
-polish photo takin skill
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
another chapter in life n another.....
intermission hehehe.......these few days many of my old pal msg me..either in fs...messenger or irritatin thing they have in common iz......always ask do u rememba me????WTF LAR!!!!is no is an option????????OF COURSE I REMEMBA LAR!!!!!
okay im freakin busy these few days but if i dun write now i think i forget it.......weird weird day......dunnoe y a lot of ppl bring haram item today...i confiscate 4 item from 2 fella hehehe.....okay in recess more weird thing tis 1 form 1 or 2 boy sit next to me ...i was he doin sittin there.....n stupid saidy go tell every1 tat hes my brother!!!!FUCK!!!!! math d so semangat teacher din enter for almost 2 period!!!!!wahahahaha...but cuz d semangat membara she still enter at 12.50..hehe n she ask whether we can stayback or not...n can guess la wat we tell her....NOT!!!!!!!ahahaha...omg im so cruel hehehe....but she can force like mrs yee did to sc3 ...but thank god her semangat is 0.000000000001% lesser than mrs yee.....after that sports practice.....make me realize my other bad habit....sigh...............okay here it go.........i lepak at cp wit said....but when cher hong came i go wit cher hong....but few step wit him jocelyn talk to me bout how heavy her key n i walk wit jocelyn.....but after talk to her i go talk to cynthia.....after talk to cynthia i go talk to harizz....after tat go kacau fariss....den wit gobi den wit kevin ...den wit yan xiang den summore la....okay to main point here.....d problem wit me iz i not having a close fren except kevin,said n joe wai la........n make me kinda sad.........but gud thing bout all tat.....SHE ACTUALLY TALKIN 2 ME!!!!!!!!!A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!wahahaha nw my perception to her has change.....i kinda glad actually.......well till next time....its 8 di!!!!!!!!waa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!suppose to be a short post!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
never wish to be someone else than me....
zzzzzzzzz......huh!!!!...wat???damn shyt la my class
haih now download oth ep 4...forget to dL usually ting jun remind me...dun c him these few days....sdo damn fuck....they install soome new stuff n im stuck....WARGHHHH wat use of internet connection if not playin online game!!!!!!no music no life hehehe...but still got o2 jam but kenot play....y??my finger got blister from playin chemi kena some hot solution....n touch a VERY HOT test tube....
yea....i hate my class all d fella like shit..not all...some oni...its really tension tis week...for those hu involve..yeah really tension....kesian wit kevin...presiden kelab olahraga dun even nominated for ketua rumah sukan....okay la.....i not really piss at anyone rite happy wit my life now.....thanx fren!!!...must say a lot...appreciate wat i have before its gone....okay if last time...i come 8.30 like everyday no one really bother bout it cuz its like norm of the day...some even came b4 n after recess hahaha miss tat day.....i plannin to come 8.30 after prefect hand over.....xixixi.....oh drifted hehehe...class....fuck...i think betta keep it a secret....too controversial........hahaha....i read others 3 days i din online....i mean actively...well as usual....some happy some emo...but wat for sure is...wen you tell people bout it...ppl WILL come to you n comfort u....whether fren or if juz readin some story....but isnt life is???its juz another chapter of our life...but isnt it funny....when we look back n see what we have done with our life...we laugh...but for now...we not laughin...why is it like tat....i plannin to do some revenge to tat fucker...but after thinkin for a while....i a way its gud.....cuz i think i wanna do some more childish....maybe when im 30 wen i remember my upper six year i do some funny thing back then ....maybe i laugh hehehe....well for some of you you cant sing but enter the popteen or maybe the popsing...i forget di....well i can safely say you'll wont regret wat you juz do n it will become a memorable momment in ur schooling life.....auditionin for a to all of you...take tat first step.....n GO BEYOND!!!!!!!!(ltc song hehehe)....i guess tats all for a lot to write..juz forget...i guess we all are.....well i leave u wit 1 quote..its funny if not serious..if juz stupid.....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
YO..............sigh.....penat... part 2(frenz!!!!!!!)
d moment i start to leave my book
YOO..........sigh penat part 1 (i hate BODOH FELLAS)
if tomorrow got school i wont be here writing blog hehehe damn tired today...arrive home at 6 XD.....d day started it should be....well i live like ordinary student today hahaha....but juz recess n kevin...recess okay until tis damn rude fella wit his stupid gang.....theres like no 1 in food court....they not eating anything....but still hanging around so i had to 'ask them to leave' or in my word...halau them....but damn **** seriously rude...i noe they form 6 but when i talkin to them they like ignore me ...i damn piss off....kenot go away no other ppl to halau...\\....even tak belajar punya form 3 pun more polite than em.....i hate tis kinda ppl.....they shud go to sam they doing here in smi....tis kinda ppl dun belong anywhere....if thevanei wan name those hu degil...i gladly give their name....dunnoe y i still remember....alfred pun....hahaha sounds like batman's butler.....juz wit no manner....but nvr c tis group from art class...damn wei..i juz stare at his if he make some serious mistake i gladly be the 1 to catch him hahaha...but forget his face oredi....but still remember d fat guy body look like hahahaha.......wen i piss wit form 5 i can ugut em n they listen 2 me...but form 6 usually civilize ppl 1...dunnoe y group of monkey sesat here......i hate it...everytime always got few art class guy damn late if not enuff time to eat.......but usually if paksa few time they juz go.............***************************** i hate IT!!!!!!!!!!wahahaha i start kutuk~ing ppl again hahahaha..hey prefects!!can do me a favour????plz if u c tis guy..bug him...dun care a....juz spotcheckhim or wat ever.....
Monday, January 21, 2008
another day another story....
seriously feel weird like nothin 2 do 1...every1 busy like hell im here relaxin writing blog.....sigh... i shud get a life....but my life somethin 2 do but nothin much to do....very peaceful
oh i put 1 song sumwhere in tis blog for captain jack
Sunday, January 20, 2008
lolx sorry for the intermission hahaha...wait got another 1 hahaha..thx 4 reading!!!!!
uh...well tis blog has been link by few 'famous' n 'fairly visited' blog so hehehe gotta be careful what i sadly u can't c me cursing other ppl anymore....sigh.. i tot blog is to express all who read my post after 8 sad i've delete all my xxx post....hahahaha
now to da topic...paradigm...i love tis word....tis word erase all the right n wrong thought cuz clearly diffrent people have a diffrent a way it is good...but in few cases its not....its good to hear what other people is saying cuz clearly its open our mind to a diffrent perspective for example u reading tis blog n see things in my view n clear some things up n well couldnt believe i typing tis....made u feel closer to me......omg hahaha...which is good actually....okay some maybe deny it...for me reading other ppl blog juz make me know other ppl better like captain jack hahahaha.....never know he got...well maybe its too private to talk about...juz leave it hanging like tat..... well as i've write earlier...d thing i hate about link 2 other ppl is other ppl can just simply view tis blog without knowing hu...okay wat if ppl u barely know come to you n say wah i love tat place man i've been there i read from ur blog blablabla sure you'll guy oso read my blog my fren thx for linking me....i appreciate it so much!!!!.....okay some r good some are for close fren it makes them updated wit whats going on in our for me....captain jack!!!!!hahaha...reading his blog make me see the diffrent side of him.....i mean ppl share wit us when theyre happy...but turn 2 best fren when theyre not....n sadly juz keep to themselve n start blaming on other for not being there for them....i think for smi prefect they got themself a good fella to ask for any advice....martin jalleh....i bet few take tis opportunity...
we always consider ourselve right but there are times that we are wrong and there are times that we are right...but what makes the diffrent is on how and what we do after that....but is there any right or wrong n life???if you ask me there are taking stpm is a right choice....from most of my fren point of view.....its a yes...well most of them taking stpm cuz they choose to...some still unclear n some wait for a better place n leave in the middle...some they juz have no other choice....for me i choose to take stpm for a diffrent reason....some think its not acceptable...wastin my time for a small thing....for me....not a single regret in my mind.....oh darn it..drifted again....well as you can see it takes more than one element to see thing as we see far as i know onli 1% of tis post are useful...the other juz crap....again its writing tis but its not good enough....i wan to write somethin more useful n aspiring..but juz if u find tis post sux....sorry...
Friday, January 18, 2008
update! update! recently...
physic class...
omg d teacher was like....damn great....he's like perfect teacher for a student!!hahaha...for d one hu wanna n can study properly of 1 time he turn on d comp and guess what he see?..........we didnt close d game we play hahaha....if math teacher found out she sure tell karu 1 hahaha
math class...
to my surprise trigo was easy...i expect sumwat chemistry confusin kinda question............okay i shouldnt have use tat sentence hahaha....but wat sux really i couldnt remember how many period she take from absent was like...everyday oso got 3 PERIOD OF MATH!!!!!!but tomoro she got 1 period n she plannin to take 1st period which she think assembly....OMG!!!poon plz give tis lady 8 teachin period everyday!!!!okay it was bad on the emotion+mental+torturing side but i guess d reason i feel tat trigo was easy cuz got almost 15 period until today haha....
other class...
OMG......feel like takin 2 subject tis year....chemi teacher...sumwhere in she byfar the best teacher for this teacher...not sure where exactly but not in ipoh for teacher...i daydream in her class,drawing sum pic,do math work....MUET teacher...stop by every other class to gossipin wit other teacher...if we lucky tat day got no hot story she MAYBE entering our class...
aiya got a lot of pic but dunnoe y so stupid kenot upload....
after school..........
wednesday was damn bodoh.... i waited for the teacher until 3.30pm cuz they got sum meeting ....but on the good side can chat wit few ppl...i mean we so busy nowadays until got no time to talk to other ppl...APRECIATE PPL AROUND YOU!!!!! first go see karu la...puan hartinee la...louis mary la...den karu again la....pusing pusing like crazy....den go library do nothin much juz talk to shandra,haree,said n kevin at d library.....den go la salle centre c ui li n her wit bug...make new fren....den go back library...until 3.30 oni i go back home
thursday....i got club meeting..sigh 2 new member...die la wei....den go library...again...c levin brother or u can say d old levin... i mean not much of diff btween old levin n his bother.....makes me wonder how much i've change......hmm...maybe i shud use younger not old...dun care english seriously bad now cuz muet teacher dun enter for like 4 month now...since end of october...november...december...january......oh drifted....hehe..after tat we go play squash but b4 play me n said go kfc grab sumthin 2 eat....dun go out much now so miss d kfc hahaha...den play squash n go home!!!!!
one triple xl burger not enuff hahaha
play squash
friday....i seriously lazy wanna stay back cuz my parent going to kl after i come home i wanna go excuse dun go to school n wan skip oath takin rehearsal....but borrow jjp book n wan giv back on saturday n nid pass up pa holiday not going kl....weird lo...i'm being responsible....tis is so not me.......after d oath takin session we all plannin to rumble lingesh dunnoe y tat fella damn emo today....1st laugh laugh den rough surely hurt wen he punch d side of d car......ouch!!!!
pretty eventful actually...lots of new thing...duty as usual....den weng hong TIBA TBA ask me to spotcheck form 6 fella....i got write it b4.... 3 hommies member got in trouble tis week...2 ponteng class....i mean normal la....hahaha remind me of time when i got caught by chong cuz ponteng class in form 4.....more funny thing he still remember after a year...lolx scary!!!computer hardisk ka??can remember 1 small thing.....jocelyn wear baju kurung for d 1st time on thursday...simple reason...boring wit d old uniform!!!!XD haha can i change my uniform???well compared to previous year tis year a lot of girl prefect wear baju kurung...more like a trend...lolx....dutyin wit yee kheng n harin in d mornin quite fun but yee kheng damn quiet say got tummy ache...lolx how many day oredi ler....harin kinda cool can talk DEEP stuff wahahaha... traffic duty i was idea wat to do....den khamsiah ORDERIN ME WAT TO DO....not tell...ORDERING!!!!PREFECT JANGAN BAGI FORM 5 LALU SINI!!!..den i was like okay okay ....gulp!!she standin watchin me dutyin...OMG..........oath taking....okay a lot wit kwok never know he's quite a gud fella....never talk to him much...out of 4 board in d school..................prefect like d most tak dengar cakap....unorganize....suka main main...not serious....until all exco n comm head like tension di...they not much shout but can c from their face hahaha...
actually i wan add few pic...n stuff...but wrong sumwhere kenot check spellin all kenot upload pic...mayb later....a lot of spelling mistakeXD
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
today kinda weird..weng hong ask me to spot check from 6...i was like....WTF!!!!!!!wanna make me look gila kuasa izit?....i check one chinese guy...stupid mistake!!!!....tat fella bring 1 prohibited item n i kinda ignore it... i was like confiscate or not...i choose........NOT!!!!!i barely know tat guy y im giving chances??not like he gonna terhutang budi wit me....we definately hate me 4 sure.....after tat when i c form 6 coming i quickly spotcheck lower form fella today...okay la...juz 3 math period..come teacher means no teacher la...y nid to come class 1 period early n spoil my sleep time....well i can onli survive 2 period before my eye lose its energy to stay open...but luckily she give some yourself...if she keep on going...i think i'll be sleepin......after school...BUSY TIME!!!!!with club all....but decide to lepak a while wit jjp,cynthia n don....heritage meeting learn few song...n found out tat chibi with grr....sound got a nice voice....another funny thing today i went to yik foong to buy sumthin...while i browsing the dvd suddenly d boss say 'tauke kedai mau tutup la...' i was!!!its onli 2 somethin...den wen going to other shop all oso closed....den noe la...d police or watever ppl goin to raid tat place....but i c 1 shop din close...mayb din pay duit perlindungan???so dunnoe any info haha..i guess tats wat life when u doin illegal stuff.....usually i buy onli pirated games not movie n anime cuz games usually above rm100 n movie onli 20 somethin...n lsearchin original games r like searchin 4 lotus car in ipoh................................uh...nt d best of comparation but dun care la..
Sunday, January 13, 2008
haiya...lazy wanna updateXD
F2008 unveiling and team interviews from Axis of Oversteer on Vimeo.
or go to tis cool cool.......
Friday, January 11, 2008
1 holiday in school.....
den we go round the sixth form block.....go ceroboh ussc3,4,5 n usa3....1 class open..can go to other class..hehebut sc2 damn smart kenot go....
they put table to block d way....
this side ppl askin wat to do....
another interestin part is wen we all crappin bout 1,jia yin,lich,gin yi,astley,haree n lai lai....haree crap d most bout animal that guy dam gud at crappin hahaha...
well then later wen most of the edi board member one corner of the library.....pretending to do work....
well look busy looking at sumthin...anything interesting??....SIMPSON THE MOVIE!!!!!!wuhu!!!!!!!!
but we all do finish our work or do we?? part is assisting so ...hehe i consider d fella can do himself...hehe my part finish di lor...den after tat...go yik foong spend rm74 on dvd...LOL....haha wait till i bankrupt den oni realize d value of rm1 haha....i buy empty dvd n 2 game...spellforce 2 n dynasty warrior 4
later at nite ...go surfin d internet....researchin sumthin...sigh...until 12 i wanna sleep...but my instict tell me to go OMG....d NEW SEASON OF ONE TREE HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!downloadin...i wait later i sleep at 3 hahaha.......
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
LOL.....nothin nothin
so...wat i wanna write life....yesterday..went go c blazer finish di o not...maybe pass me n hahaha buat buat tak ppl in food court so kenot say he din c not making story hahaha...yes my xxx n xxx...dun remember talkin 2 him...EVER!!!LOL.....den go home...rachel ask me play xdo wit until 6 hahaha....den jickie msg say can take pic tomoro yuhu!!!!!....nite i wanna sleep but read some chemistry thing..more kenot sleep...sigh.....but y i alwayz sleep in class 1??....haha..go school take some mr woon pic...wish all d pic i take gud...den math trouble...n lucky teacher dun usually come my table...but today look on my work...luckily i still in happy mood so all her work i do perfectly...but she say got test on friday...duh...theban not here she sure targettin me....but happy la her period...she doubt my answer so she go to other fella c their answer..but tat fella wrong n she tot i was wrong hahaha funny la wen she find out d real answer....den...chemi period...nothin much...learnin sumthin bout half life ...den come d image of crossfire,boot camp,bazooka,shotgun,blood,shooting,laser in my i din really listen 2 wat she teachin.....den mr ravi come!!!say got meeting tomoro....omg holiday la!!!!but kinda happy can hang out wit sc5 guy...n comin 2 school n no studyin juz make me love tis school hahaha...oh den we all plannin wat movie wanna watch on don notebook tomoro hahaha....last time watch scary movie.......den after chemi finish...i sleep but kevin go kacau me...showin off his new phone...okay la...he keep sayin n95...but i dun even give a damn bout few wit camera....den mr lim peng khiew come....funny kinda guy....he ask 1 guy bout boyle law but tat fella dunnoe he ask 1 girl den d girl answer....den he come girl noe boy law boy oso dunnoe their own law....haha funny....yeah hes quite gud....not quite but very gud...easiest to 1 time he teach bout ideal n real gasses theres no ideal gas so dun try to look for ideal girlfren hahaha.....after tat......FINISH LOR>> sum..but skip....later if i remember i put la....
oh ya...forget di....must b the music...too loud....FIR-get high.....said got say sumthin bout offend people on tis blog....IF THEY READ....well they hate me oredi why in the bloody hell i should care..not gonna change a thing rite...wat?? i dun kutuk them they gonna like me??...alamak...wat la....if hate hate lo....i dunnit fren r gud enuff for nid 2 chase em n lose my great wonderful superb fren.....not worth it......
Monday, January 7, 2008
yea kinda sad today...went to food court no some form 6 fella...i know them they know me..but juz not fren haha...i've been thinkin...i can say i hav a lot of fren....but who am i to them??r they gonna ask me if they gonna go out?????........dun think so...i hate this position.........many people think i'm nice but they never close to me......make me sad...sigh....well the most easiest example my damn bloody comm........LOL....dun think i close to anyone in my comm except vee liam la....yea still remember...he dun wan go comm outing if i dun a way gud la...jonathan...okay la...i say i to him how much i hate my comm during LTC after the sharing den he okay wit it....hahaha...fariss..he look gud..but dunnoe y feel sumthin wrong wit him....others no comment..kenot say much hahaha.....christopher cekap la...tats all.......
i think fren is not everythin....cuz we constantly need a new me...d onli close fren left onli lich,kevin n said...
5th post in a row!!!!!!!! lol
well i kinda get to know A LOT of ppl last year go out n and c suki,rini n c.suan...really miss them all...too bad no wind,beebee and ros...sigh...i guess in our life ppl come n go....but i wont juz let them go!!!!!...well its quite hard 2 c them nowadays but if they wanna c me...i go c la hahaha....they all juz like b4...KUTUK~ing ppl kool..haha i guess that whats girls do.....
well rachel gonna be in town in few days...say wanna go c muvi wit her...dunnoe who to ajak...maybe juz me n her..maybe.....hhaha date??!! lol......funny gal la....kenot keep quiet 1..kenot wait to c her..miss her sigh......too bad vincy now in spore..if not can gila-gila again.....den sally..dunnoe whether she can come o not....miss her oso......oh miki...another funny gal...tis 1 oso gila...long time din chat....ah b..d fella alwayz call me tuan 1...very leng chai 2 c him...said..think shes busy...
yes my form 2-5 best fren haziq oso coming back next week!!!!!!but start holiday in january..stupid la...all finish holiday..they oni start smi hate the teacher!!weird guy......
i think thats all my old fren which i c n gonna c in tis n next week...weird lo...all in 1 life alwayz weird wat!!!...but who cares!!!!i miss them!!!they miss me!!!!!!my form 6 so called fren sux!!!!!not all sux!!!!especially d one hu read tis!!!to all my current schoolmate if u read tis u not sux hahahaha
.........moral of the dunnoe wat u got till its gone!!!!!...but i noe wat i got but onli my fren hu dun wanna go out.they wanna wait till me or them leave den come back to town onli den see.......i ask them go c movie....say busy la...that la..this la....oh almost 6 gotta go......5th post in 6 hours!!!!!!roxx!!!!!!!thanks for reading
4th post lol...tipu tipu tipu
3 straight post in 2 hours lol
fuck it....its school!!!!!!
what the fuck!!
tension tension..but diffrent kind of tension.........this 1 is stupid 1 wahahaha...tension for not able being myself whahahahaha shit nid to calm down... i not angry..juz unsettle
LOL i forget what i wanna write yes!!!!BODOH wahahaha...thousand apologies to those who read this post n thank you hahahaha